Our story started in a little, 28 square meters, shop in Zagreb back in 2014.


From the beginning, we knew that there couldn’t be only one Milky shop. That would be more than cruel to humanity, so we strived to bring the joy of Milky crepes to as many people and as many countries as possible.

Our top-secret formula of great success is: never stop trying to be the best to our customers, good to our employees, loyal to franchise partners, and honest to suppliers. Though it looks pretty simple, only a few manage to do it right.

Today, with almost 30 restaurants in 9 countries, Milky is, we would dare to say, the biggest creperie chain in the world. Throughout our journey, we managed to outgrow the connection with fast food creperies and establish ourselves as a restaurant chain. Whether you come to enjoy with your loved ones, gather with your friends, or do business with your partners, Milky is your destination. You don’t stop by, you go to Milky.

Najviše brinemo o zadovoljstvu naših gostiju. Samo vrhunski sastojci pronalaze svoj put do Milky palačinke, a samo ih obučeni "palačinka-majstori" smiju peći i pripremati. Možda ovo i nije najlakši način, ali to je naš način, a traženje prečica nikada nije bilo dio njega. Mi ne prodajemo samo palačinke, već stvaramo ugođaj fine dining restorana, nudeći u ugodnom ambijentu vrhunsku uslugu i prvorazredan gastronomski proizvod.

Trudimo se pametno birati lokacije restorana kako bismo bili dostupni ljudima, a svoje iskustvo rado dijelimo s našim franšiznim partnerima. Kao o gostima, izuzetno brinemo i o svojim partnerima, pomažemo im i vodimo ih na svakom koraku. Uzmemo li u obzir da gotovo svi naši partneri imaju barem 2 franšize i planiraju daljnja otvaranja, možemo reći da naš način funkcionira prilično dobro i da smo uspjeli stvoriti pobjedničku formulu.
